“The time is right for donors to play a key role in changing the rules of the game.”

Innovative practices

Many donors have done more than build a sensitivity to partnering processes. They have introduced partnering investment into their ongoing programming. Examples include Donors who have:

  • Invested in the partnering process prior to allocating project funding – enabling the partners to build their partnership prior to committing to a specific programme of work
  • Allocated funding specifically to strengthen the partnership in addition to financing project activities
  • Pre-agreed an acceptable level of exploration, experimentation and risk with partners to enable innovation and new ways of working – enabling partners to learn as they work together
  • Found ways of putting a tangible value and reporting on non-cash contributions
  • Engaged with a partnership as a full partner – attending partnership meetings and working with partners to co-create programmes and to regularly review the partnership itself in terms of unexpected outcomes, added value and impacts on systems.


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